Derek & Beverly Joubert who have lived & photographed in South Africa & Botswana for over 14 years predict that the lions & the other big cats such as leopards & cheetahs will be extinct as soon as 2020! This is due to poaching, the RIDICULOUS number of permits given to “trophy” hunters, illegal hunting for skins,farmer’s in competion with the animals for land space, etc. There are only 30,000 lions left and if they disappear the entire ecosystem collapes without these predators. Strides are being made through the “Big Cats Initiative” sponsored by National Geographic Society. They have programs in place to educate African farmers about better livestock protection and compensate them for cattle killed by lions. In Kenya they are teaching them to build 15 foot fences to protect their cattle. After experiencing & photographing these gorgeous creatures in the wild I know that this world would be a lesser place if they did not exist! Please give to the “Big Cats Initiative” by going to the National website to further read about this.

I was hooked the very first time! It is actually true what I had heard over the last 30 years of doing photography here in California and Europe. Once you have experienced Africa, you will realize a part of your soul has arrived home. There is a wonderful spiritual connection with the earth while there. Perhaps a long forgotten part of conciousness trying to remind us that this is where we ALL come from originally. The smells of the bush, the light, the majestic expanse in the landscapes overwhelm you. After traveling there four different years I always came back with one feeling. I did NOT want to leave! The people are some of the most friendly and gracious on the planet. When you are out on safari and surrounded by animals that you have previously only seen in zoos oron the teli you are awestruck and will never be able to visit a zoo again without great sadness. Crashing through the bush in our landrover we accompanied a pride of lions on their hunt, we had an unusual daytime sighting of a leopard who stalked and killed a bushbuck right in front of us with resulting fantastic photos, and were surrounded by scores of elephants grazing on trees and protecting their newborns. The baby elephants are comical and curious! They love to check out the jeep and provide many opportunites for great pictures. I dream of Africa daily and want to return as soon as possible!

Freelance, Fine art + stock photography at